Alabama Scholars

Alabama Scholars

Scholars are specialists who focus on a particular branch of study or discipline. Scholars can be faculty, staff, graduate students and undergraduate students especially if one becomes well know in a particular area of research, teaching, or area of collaboration in which others are equally interested. Most notable by U.S. and global standards are scholars who are recognized for the excellence in research and collaboration through an award from the U.S. Fulbright program. Each year Alabama universities and colleges have applicants who have demonstrated strong areas of mutual interest with partner universities and colleges abroad.

Also each year many Alabama universities and colleges host scholars from outside the U.S. to further their research and areas of mutual interest.

Alabama universities and colleges also foster and facilitate the interest by enrolled students at all levels to apply for the Fulbright Student Program awards as well as many other nationally and internationally recognized award programs for study and research around the world.

Anyone interested in collaboration with either universities or colleges in Alabama or with institutions around the world should contact Study Alabama so that we might help facilitate such interest

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