March 2, 2023 2024-05-15 14:21Sponsors

STUDY ALABAMA is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Alabama and recognized by the US IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – EIN 81-1102132. (download a pdf version of the following information). Study Alabama seeks support from individuals, organizations, and businesses to strengthen the mission of Study Alabama including but not limited to the following objectives:
- TO foster the creation of a more diverse learning environment to help Alabama students become more competitive in a global workplace.
- TO raise the profile of the state of Alabama higher education sector as a global study/research destination with a focus on international student enrollment and education abroad goals of the member institutions.
- TO foster awareness of the role of the Alabama Higher Education members in supporting economic development and international trade throughout the of State of Alabama and to encourage collaboration with the higher education sector by the US Dept of Commerce, Alabama Dept of Commerce and other local and regional commerce and economic development entities in the State of Alabama.
- Become a Founding Sponsor, Global Ambassador, Consul General, World Traveler, Tourist or an event sponsor. To find out more please see sponsorship levels below.
- SA operates on calendar year cycle of January 1 through December 31 of each year for tax compliance purposes. Can’t find a level of support that works for you, your organization or business?
- Study Alabama welcomes sponsorship from all who are interested in helping Study Alabama and members foster stronger internationalization and global awareness across all sectors of the State of Alabama community. Please feel free to contact to discuss your interest in supporting Study Alabama at [email protected], all levels of sponsorship are welcomed.
- Please feel free to contact to discuss your interest in supporting Study Alabama contact contact us at: [email protected]

Study Alabama welcomes sponsorship from all who are interested in helping Study Alabama and members foster stronger internationalization and global awareness across all sectors of the State of Alabama community. Can’t find a level of support that works for you, your organization or business? Please feel free to contact to discuss your interest in supporting Study Alabama at: [email protected].
Donate To Study Alabama

A little change makes all the difference
Study Alabama welcomes donations to help sustain the mission of the organization. Donations may be made towards:
- either a onetime named contribution or to establish a long term named endowment effort in memory of a family member, colleague, person or organization
- the support of a particular effort of SA such as scholarships for students from Alabama universities and colleges to study abroad, in support of international students studying in Alabama universities and colleges, establishing ongoing dialogues between the business and education sectors, etc..
- other efforts and activities of interest to the donor(s)
To explore US tax deductible donation/contributions to the Study Alabama please email us at [email protected]. Study Alabama is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Alabama and recognized by the US IRS as a 501c3 nonprofit organization – EIN 81-1102132.