About Us
March 2, 2023 2023-10-30 13:58About Us
Study Alabama is a member of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Study State initiative with organizations in nearly every U.S. state (see map and contact info on this link) and we as all of our sister organizations are also strongly supported by our own state departments of commerce and economic development entities.
LINKS TO MORE on Study Alabama: Governing Board, MEMBERSHIP Application, activities and historical information. For a Current membership listing.
For Study Alabama US IRS 501(c)3 public information file scroll down on this page.
In February of 2015 SA/CGEED formed with the dissolution and incorporation of the ACIP (Alabama Council for International Programs) into the new organization. International education as a recognized element of Alabama higher education is historically rooted in the ACIP history which began in in 1984. Leadership for international education in the State of Alabama through advocacy, development, and implementation of shared goals has been a historical priority. The concept of Study Alabama arose from discussions within ACIP in 2004.
- To raise the profile of the state of Alabama higher education sector as a global study/research destination with a focus on international student enrollment and education abroad goals of the member institutions.
- To share expertise and experience in the field of global education and workforce development as well as to pool resources for the joint marketing of SA/CGEED member institutions and its programs related to international student, scholars and education abroad.
- To foster the creation of a more diverse learning environment to help Alabama students become more competitive in a global workplace.
- To foster awareness of the role of the Alabama Higher Education members in supporting economic development and international trade throughout the of State of Alabama and to encourage collaboration with the higher education sector by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Alabama Dept. of Commerce and other local and regional commerce and economic development entities in the State of Alabama.
- To foster strategic partnerships and lasting relationships between Alabama local communities, government organizations, international organizations/businesses, students and scholars and Alabama education institutions.
- To collaborate in gaining greater access to government assistance (both state & federal) and private funding as well as in kind contributions to support the objectives of SA/CGEED and its members.
Past Chair – Dr. Chunsheng Zhang, University of North Alabama
Chair (2023-2024) – Kristen Holmes, Wallace State Community College – Hanceville
Chair-elect (2023-2024) – Akali Fulmer, University of North Alabama
Treasurer – Ed Douglas, Coastal Alabama Community College
Secretary – Ingrid Galinat, Jacksonville State University
Rep Alabama Commission of Higher Education, Ron Leonard
Rep Alabama Community College System, Dr. Chantae Calhoun
U.S. Department of Commerce, Amy Ryan or U.S. Department of Commerce, Robert Stackpole
Alabama Department of Commerce, Beau Lore
Executive Director, Stacye Fraser Thompson
Co-Executive Director, Dr. Bill Wallace
Past-Chairs Emeritus – Dr. Teresa Wise, University of Alabama; Dr. Andrew Gillespie, Auburn University

History of International Education Efforts
Click here for an abbreviated history of international education efforts across the state and of the organization.